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The General Services Administration’s Multiple Award Schedule (“MAS”) is one of the Government’s primary contract vehicles for purchasing commercial products and services. There are significant obligations that a would-be contractor should consider when deciding whether or not to seek a Schedule contract. For example, when applying for a GSA Schedule contract, a company must fully disclose its commercial pricing and practices. The government uses this information to negotiate pricing and other terms, so it is essential to understand both the opportunities and the potential downfalls of the MAS program and other similar contract programs that executive branch agencies may use to meet their commercial item acquisition needs.
Lawyers at The Nevarez Law Firm are well versed in the proposal, administration, pricing and compliance issues that arise when selling commercial items through GSA’s schedule contracts to federal, state and local entities. Additionally, our Firm can represent clients in audits and investigations of their conduct in connection with these GSA Schedules and MAS contracts. Our Firm can also help you determine which GSA Schedules a product belongs to, prepare a complete and accurate GSA Schedule proposal, revise GSA schedule price list terms and conditions, respond to GSA inquiries about a GSA proposal, and modify already existing GSA schedule contracts, including price modifications.